Monday, October 31, 2016

Countdown to Thanksgiving: 50 people Jesus says it's okay to hate

Hi everyone!!  It's countdown to Thanksgiving *dancing one of those dance that broadcasts  said we shouldn't dance in church* Lol!

Anyway,  at this time of the year it's natural to reflect and be thankful for how God has seen you through the year.

You may not be able to afford three meals a day 😁 but you can eat one.
You may be broke πŸ˜„ but you have a bed to sleep in at night.
You may not have a bed 😊 but you have a roof over your head.
You may not have a roof over your head πŸ˜ƒ but you're well.
You may be sick 😘 but you're alive.

And that's enough to thank God for - that despite all that He's taking care of you.

Before I end this,  think about this - it's easy to let God take care of us but it's harder to let Him take control. We need to learn the latter.

Now my Thanksgiving post to you ....

"After hours of bible study, and in a cultural climate where there is a lot of discussion surrounding who should be welcome or not, who is morally qualified or not, who should be elected (or not), appointed (or not), hired (or not), or embraced (or not), I’ve curated a comprehensive list of all the people Jesus has said it was okay for us not to love, serve, forgive, and show mercy toward.
In other words, you have Scriptural permission to hate, cast out, demonize, distance yourself from, and hold grudges against all of the following fifty groups or individuals. You don’t have to be kind to them, serve them, or even associate with them. You have Biblical mandate to talk badly about them, condemn them, and wish failure upon them. Hyperventilate online about them. Scoff. Scorn. Scold. They’re all fair game–the whole list–according to the Lord.
Without further ado, here’s a comprehensive list of 50 Groups/Individuals Jesus Says You Can Hate ....."
Originally posted on

Click to read the rest. 

God's Girl! 

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