Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Breathing with no air

Oxygen mask                Check!
Diving suit                    Check!
Goggles                        Check!

My mental checklist goes on as the instructor goes on about safety procedures and general directions on executing the dive. Its my first underwater adventure and I'm super excited. The countdown begins - 3, 2, 1!!!!

And I'm in! Hmm ... This is pretty cool! We're all allowed till our timer counts down ... Underwater is actually very beautiful - and colorful. I know a lot of you are wondering whether I'm still in Nigeria. Surprisingly I am!!! And this body of water is amazingly clean and fresh. I can literally smell ... Wait! I've been holding my breath. How am I supposed to activate this oxygen tank thing? I remember the instructor saying something about it during my checklist but I was not paying attention ... Help!!!

'Tell me how I'm s'posed to breathe with no air ...'

Its simple really - as long as you have oxygen you don't need air. Okay that may not be completely true but that's basically what you need in the air. Let's take a little science lesson - When we breathe in, air has 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide and a little water vapor but when this air comes out it contains 21% oxygen, 4% carbon dioxide and is saturated with water vapor. Translation of all these is: WE NEED OXYGEN!!!

Image result for breathing in clipart

Don't go just yet! This wasn't just a science lesson. The thing is this; we usually forget that though oxygen is just a component of air, its the most important. Without the other components, we'd do just fine (pure oxygen for long periods of time and at high pressure can also be toxic but that's story for another day).

God is our oxygen! We literally need Him to survive and sometimes we get so caught up in activities and feel the wind surrounding us that we don't check to make sure we've got enough oxygen in our tanks. We're excited about a new day, a new year, a new house, a new car, a new baby, a new spouse, a new job and the list goes on and on, yet we forget to turn our tanks on first - until we begin to choke!
Apart from the oxygen, the instruction is important too. There are different levels of oxygen for different altitudes.

The basic lesson today is this - let go and let God! As you dive into a new opportunity, listen for instructions and then turn on your oxygen tank - don't wait until you begin to lose your breath!

Lots of Love and Hugs and Kisses,

God's Girl. 

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