Friday, March 11, 2016

The Blueprint

Happy weekend!!!

This picture has been going round social media and I have read some of the comments under it.

Truth be told Nigeria needs a blueprint if she wants to develop - a concrete plan so my focus is the real Nigeria. Who or what is Nigeria? She is you and I.
What is a blueprint? Its a detailed technical drawing but the dictionary also defines it as any detailed plan - literally or figuratively!
Why am I emphasising this?
We have plans but do we know details? I understand about not worrying for tomorrow and all that but your plan should have executable steps and shouldn't just be a dream written on a piece of paper.

Habakkuk 2:2 that we so often quote says that we should
'Write the vision down plainly so that anybody can run with it' (paraphrased)
That's a blueprint!
So do you have a blueprint for your career? For your family? For your health? For your education? Then how exactly do you think a blueprint for Nigeria is going to come out?

I might be wrong but this is just
In my opinion,
God's Girl.

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