Friday, November 20, 2015

For Victory vs From Victory

One thing that irritates me is the 'victim mentality' - when people keep acting like the world owes them something and nothing is ever their fault but somehow all their problems just 'happened' to them.

The mere fact that you're 'Christed' makes you a Victor so get rid of that victim mentality! This brings us to another episode of CONTRAST!!! Sorry there's no image yet, I'll put it in later X_X

So today is 'For Victory' vs 'From Victory'. Well, most Christians keep fighting for victory over sin and over issues they have forgetting whose side they are on. Jesus has conquered ALL even death and the grave so you're fighting quite alright but from a point that you've already won!

Before I go, I want to remind you that God loves you and He's not willing to let go! Don't worry His love doesn't leave you confused and it really is the 'I'll die for you' kind of love (more like 'I've died for you') - enough to go round and still overwhelm you!

So when you feel alone, or feel confused or just don't know what to do, run to Him and stay lost in His arms. I don't know how to explain it but that kind of love just makes you get lost and never wanna come out. If makes you just wanna whisper to your lover:

'I wanna sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hand
Lay back against you and breathe
Feel your heartbeat
This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
It's overwhelming'

It's an amazing kind of love.

I think once we change our mentality to 'From Victory', we'd stop giving the devil the satisfaction of wearing us down since we keep struggling - trying on our own (fasting 40 days dry fast and moving from church to church - not to say that fasting is wrong or anything but you get my drift!).

Anyway, I don't want to make this too long but always remember the child of who you are - the side on which you're standing!

P.S. We'll be moving to WordPress very soon but this blog would always be here. It's for easier interaction so you had better interact!!!


Much love,
Gods Girl.

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