Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Believing VS Be living

Hi again everyone. It's awesome that you popped in here today. Life is full of contrast - black and white, hot and cold, here and there; and so many others but I've come to realize that there usually are a lot of grey areas in between.

Nevertheless, we'll be talking about a few contrasts that we really don't spend time considering. Today in the ring we have,

Believing is to feel sure of the truth of something while to be living is to spend one's life in a particular way. A lot of Christians today have gotten the 'believing' part down. We know that Jesus is the son of God and that He died for us. We know that He can do miracles and we've seen Him work to a certain degree in our lives - the fact that you're alive and reading this or hearing this is enough of a miracle. We hear His word and believe most of it - the straight forward part. Some of us even dare to believe the not so straight forward and seemingly completely outrageous parts.
Now the question is 'ARE WE LIVING IT'?

It is one thing to believe and another to be living the word. You can know what the word says and believe it's principles would work. You might even preach it to other people but as long as you don't live its principles, don't expect the results. God is a God of principle even though we know that there's grace. You see the thing about grace is that there's grace to pick you up when you fall but that grace is also available to keep you from falling in the first place.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying you should be perfect and sinless because you really can't live a righteous life on your own. All I'm saying is test your faith! You know it's possible to get to the 'walking on water if God's tells you to' kind of faith.

Another way to be living the word is to make sure our lives are an evangelism tool to those around us. What is it in you that makes you different? What is it about you that draws people to want to know that Jesus. It's in your speech, it's in your silence. It's in your action, it's in your inaction

So Foresight Family, let's work towards getting to that point where our faith is without borders, let's be living bibles for others to see. May God help us all!

Gods Girl.

Don't forget there's youth fellowship tomorrow 13th August 2015 by 6pm. See you there!!!

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