Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Don’t Wait Until You Are Old...

Remembering God in the days of your youth is the only guarantee that you will be able to realize all the possibilities of your life. Some things  are better done in the prime of life because it will never be business as usual at old age. As at the time God was talking to Joshua, he (Joshua) was already a shadow of his former self. As far as heaven was concerned, he can no longer go the full distance. Age had taken its toll on him. Enthusiasm had waned. Zeal and zest had nosedived . He had run out of steam. The decrepitude of old age had set in and the law of diminishing returns had taken its course.

Why don't you serve God now that you are still strong, vibrant and fit for action? Why don't you give God your life now  that  you  are a ball of fire? Why not let God step across the threshold of your life now that you are full of life? (Psalm 110:3)? The only way God can get maximum return on your life is for you to give him your lifetime and that is only possible if you remember him in the days of your youth. To remember God after you have devoted the better part of your life to seeking the frivolities of this world is, as far as God is concerned, a belated response. To say, "Here am I send me" to God when the season of youth is over amounts to giving Him the leftovers of your life.

God  is  pleased when we serve Him at old age  but  much  more pleased when we serve him    in our youth . Solomon took the primrose path so many young  and energetic youths are taking today and realized almost too late that those things he had  lived  for  are  not worth  it.  He  realized after devoting almost a lifetime to chasing shadows and called all he had lived for "vanity of vanities". May you not go too far before you realize how far you should not have gone (Amen).

Don't wait till old age. The difference between old age and youth is strength . If there is anything you can offer God in youth which you can't offer him at old age, it is strength. The bible says "The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is their grey head" Prov.20:29. Once strength is gone,youth is over. Are you sublimating or dissipating that strength? Are you using that strength to God's advantage? Where do you expend that strength of your youth? At disco party or on the mission field expanding God's kingdom? To pursue the vision of God for your life or your own vision of being a fashion pundit and a show-stopper that can cause human and traffic jam? Don't wait until after life has given you a raw deal and you have come to your wit's end before saying YES to him. Now is the time to serve God . Now is the most acceptable time with Him (2"• Corinthians 6:2). Now is the only unit of  time  that  God recognizes . Remember Him now that you have a lot to offer Him (Eccl.12:1).

The LAMENTATION of Barzillai,as he declined King David's invitation, lend credence to the fact that there is little one can do with the arrival of old age "{2"• Samuel 19:32-36). He has arrived at that season of life when you and I shall say, "I have no  pleasure  in them"  (Eccl.  12:1). The OFF-SEASON of life has set in. He can no longer play FULL TIME on the pitch of life. Shouldn't   Barzilla's lamentation motivate every young man and woman to give God the best days of their lives?  Shouldn't the poetic pictures of old age graphically portrayed in ECCLESIATES 12 inspire the young to do what they  can while they  can (John 9:4)?

It has been rightly said that the greatest comfort of old age is a youth well-spent. Youth spent clubbing, partying,  goofing  around,  double-dating, triple dating is a HARBINGER of a rueful adulthood and a miserable old age. But youth spent fighting the Lord's battles, bringing enemy-occupied territory under the imperial banner of the Lord Jesus Christ, promoting the CAUSE for which Jesus lived and died will lay the foundation for a secured, prosperous and enviable future (Job 36:11,12). To them that serve Him in their youth, He says; "Even to your old age am he; and even to your hair (gray) hairs will I carry you...(Isaiah 46:4). Decide your old age today by giving Him your youth. Repent of your sins and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Serve Him now!


EXCERPT from:  Ibrahim Taiwo

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