Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Attire of a Harlot

For at the window of my houseI lookedthrough my casement,
And beheldamong the simpleones, I discernedamongthe youths,a youngman VOID OF UNDERSTANDING
And, behold, there met him awomanwith the ATTIRE OF AN Harlot 
and subtle of heart. Proverbs 7:6-10

Are these Harlots or not? (Trick question huh?)
We can't really tell these days...can we?
How would you identify a nurse, a doctor,a soldier etc.? How about a harlot? Have you ever seen a harlot
before? What was it that gave her away? Herposture, May be? How about her clothing?Hmm! That is the number one give-away.Our clothing says a lot about who we are. The way we dress is a reflection of who we are. According to the above scripture, the attire of a harlot is an expressionof the subtletyof her heart.

 What is the attire of a harlot? The attire ofa harlot is any cloth that drawsattention to the part of a woman's body that can arouse men sexually. Such parts of the body include the backside, bust, thighs,laps, armpit etc. It is any cloth that accentuates theerogenous zone of a woman's body that can lure men into the forbiddenzoneof sexual immorality. It is any cloth that is designed to showcasethe visually stimulating parts of a woman's body.It is any cloth that can fan the flames of lust in men and turns heads. It is any cloth that advertises sexual availability . t is any cloth that whet men's appetite for sex and ignite the fire of lust withinthem. The attire of a harlot includes shorts, mini­skirts, low blouses, sleeveless shirts, tight clothing,tight jeans, pants, body hugging dresses, see­through blouses, bikinietc. The attire of a harlot isthe trend of the momentamong young ladies. Even the MAMAS who are decidedly past it are not left out in the craze for the celebration ofnudity and ignominy. "WhatI wear is no man’s business"is the language of most ladies of today. Theirslogan is, "Ifyou’ve got it,flaunt it".

Why do they flaunt it? They flaunt it because they are aware of the fact that men are visual-oriented creatures. They know that men are easilymoved by what they see. There is in every man the tendency to look at women. That is theway men are wired. Looking at women is not a sin but it is asin when it becomes a lustful look. A lustful look is an intentional, calculated and prolonged look on the titillating part of a woman's body. Women are aware of this tendency and so they dress to play upon men's emotion. Some flaunt it in the hope to get their Prince-charming. What they don't know is that the so-called Prince­charming is not looking for the right woman but forthe woman right now.

Ladies who wear the attire of a harlot are consciously  or unconsciously on a mission. Proverbs 23:26-28 say, “My son,give me your heart and let your eyes observe my ways. For a whore (a harlot)is a deep ditch; and a strangewomanis a narrow pit. She also liesin wait as for a prey, and INCREASES TRANSGRESSORS among men". The mission of the strange woman in the foregoing scripture is to "increasetransgressors among men" and that isthe mission of women who wear the attire of a harlot. A transgressor is a person who goes beyond the limit of what is, by God'sstandard, morally acceptable. The fashion of the day (the attire of a harlot) is one of the most effective weapons the devil has used and is using in these last days to set men off on the journeyof debauchery. The hunger for God among men is at adiscount while the desireto assuage theirlust is assuming an upward tendency by the day. The devil's agenda is to reduce the numberof godly men around so that his influence among men can increase and he has, to a great extent,succeeded in doing this through thesuggestive , outrageous and provocative dressing oftoday's ladies. The fashion of the day is the bait the devil is using to get men into his traps. In Psalm12:1, the Psalmist said, “Help, Lord; for the godly man ceases; for the faithful fail from among the children of men".
Have you ever thought about the factors responsible for the gradual cessation ofgodly men in our days? Have you ever thought about what is responsible for the ever-increasing propensity in young men to gratify their sexualappetite atall cost? Do you know why sexual immorality has assumed afrightening and calamitous dimension in our day? Do you know why the fight against HIVIAIDS seems a lost battle despite the effort being made to stem its tide? The fashionof the day is unarguably a major factor. Although the young ma n of Prov. 7 had the fundamental problem of being in the companyof the frivolous and of being void of understanding, his journey to "TEMPTATION ISLAND " the "SLAUGHTER-HOUSE" of   the UNWARY (Proverbs 7:22-23)­was accelerated by the sight of a woman with the attire of a harlot. The sight (visually stimulating parts) he beheld was a trigger forhis sexual proclivities and tipped the scale in favour of his falsemove. The sight he saw disarmed him and held him spellbound. The sight of a woman in herbirthday suit so to speak? The bewitching, mesmerizing,alluring, luscious and voluptuousfeatures staring at him catalyzed his ignominious action.What confronted him made him drool and swoon. He did not have any divine resource in him to flee from whatstared him in the faceand so threw cautionto the winds. By the time he came to his senses, it was all over. Onlyeternity can assess the extent of the damage the attire of a harlot has done to the destinies of many men.

A good number of today's ladies are hell-bent onbaring all and marketing their selling points (boobs, hot legs, laps, and backside).They have turned the world into a scene of FULL FRONTAL NUDITY. They are pawns in the hand of the devil. They areusing what they have to the devil's advantage. Proverbs 6:26 says,"For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life." Can you see the damage a whorish woman has done to so many men-reducing them to a piece of bread? Young man, are you aware of the fact that the mission of the girls who swoon over you and paradetheir"ARSENAL" is to reduce you to a piece of bread? I am of the opinion that you don't know because you are void of understanding. You chase aftereverything in skirt because you are void of understanding. Every young man of understanding knows that women who bare their skin areon a mission to lure him into the forbidden zone of sexual immorality and so he keeps his distance from them.A young man of understanding knowsthat "Bread of deceit is sweet but afterward his mouth shall be filled with gravel " (Prov. 20:17). He knows that there is more to what the devil offers than meets the eye. He knows that the devil always presents the baits and hides the hook. A young man of understanding knows what is at stake should he give in to his sexual appetite. Showme a young man who takes liberty with women and I will show you a youngman void of understanding.Sad enough, many born again ladiesso-called, wear the attire of a harlot even to the place of worship. The order of the day in God's sanctuary now is the presence of ladies who wear cleavage­revealing, breast ­ hugging dressing and one that shows the contours of their "bum-bum" all in the name of being trendy. What some men arerunning away from in the world is now confronting them right in the house of God. An atmosphere that is designed to provoke their hunger for righteousness is now whetting their appetite for iniquity. What an irony!

Let me lay it on the line- Anywoman that wears the attire of a harlot is doing a great damageto the cause of Christ and will not get away with it. When you standbefore God on the Dayof Judgment, God will ask you, "Did you use what you have to get what you want or to advance my cause on earth like Esther did? Did you use what you have to holdmen back from giving the wickedness of their heart full unrestrained expressionjust as Abigail did to David when he (David) wasgoing to kill her husband (Nabal- 1"' Samuel 25) orto ignite the fire of lust in them? It will be too late then to say, "I am sorry". The door of mercy is still wide open today. You can repent of all the havoc you have wreaked by flauntingand marketing your "WARES". Repent of your sins today and acceptJesus as your Saviour and Lord.Dress decently and you will help tame the monster in men.

Ibrahim Taiwo


1 comment:

Oje said...

The pictures attached in the above article are not the original attachements by the writer. I modified them (with Internet downloads).
