A couple of years ago, I had the privilege of working with two distinguished Youth Executives in Foresight. One worked directly under me in the IT department why the other helped in welfare. One thing led to another and a relationship was borne amongst these two. To the glory of God, they are now happily married (I was honored to be at the wedding only yesterday).
LOPEYE AND NIKE WHO NOW WORSHIP AT THE DOMINION HOUSE ARE MY VERY CLOSE FRIENDS. Lopeye particularly was very instrumental to the impartation role of our IT dept. especially in the area of SMS (Word for the week) doled to our members on regular basis (it was originally initiated by Demola Ojo). Since his relocation to his new place of worship, the SMS thing slowly went on a quiet tune. No youth stood up to fill his shoes. Nike, on the other hand bakes wonders. I’ve hardly tasted a better cake than hers. She always baked (FOC) cakes we savoured during most of our groove event. As we already know, when preparation meets opportunity, success is inevitable. These two shall be successful in everything that they lay their hands upon. I’m so proud of them:-).
While I was leaving home for the wedding, my mum asked me; “now you are going for another wedding again, when will people come for your own wedding?”
I’m sure if some of you heard that kind of remark; you would go back into your rooms, undress and face the wall to start thinking of your lives…lol. Well, I did not do that! I have good control of my mind. Nobody hurts me without my permission. I simply smiled at her and said “No worry Mama. Keep praying:-)”
But really; if there was a certain amount of ‘Worry’ that we could worry to get married, I’m sure many of us would have been married many years ago. I remember the bible questioned; “which of you have added on cubit of hair just by worrying?” Some of us have read all the relationship books there is, and attended any seminar that teaches the dos and don’ts of a relationship and we are still where we are…lol. (I know this is not funny though…lol). For someone like me who spent so much emotional, physical and financial energy in building relationships that has collapsed a number of times; I would have finished a sky scrapper or a huge mansion by now, if I directed all that energy into constructing a real building…lol.
The truth is; there is no loss in trying except when you stop trying. My word for us all who are yet single is; what are you doing with your singlehood? I personally believe that if I’m not getting what I want, then there is one more thing that God wants me to learn about what or where I need to possess so that it may be a true blessing and not a curse unto me. So I search for it and learn it. By God’s grace, one thing is certain; ‘We will all get married’. But remember; the joy of our marriage may be proportional to the works of our singlehood. May God not let it be the one that we will wish we were single again. Amen o!
So, don’t’ worry much. Stay in the bakery. Keep yourself warm. Your prince/princess
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