Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Aroma of Sin

Beloved, I want to share few thoughts on a certain issue, I call it the Aroma of sin, it’s aimed at helping us understand the reason for your last fall and hopefully assist you avoid the next one.

If you’ve been to a bakery before, you’ll notice the strong aroma of bread even from a mile away. It’s so easy to tell what’s cooking; if something is really cooking. Aroma is a product of heat effect on any substance. Put a piece of meat on the grill and you can be sure in few minutes to draw attention of whoever is around.

The case of sin and the believer is a case we must openly discuss if we are to achieve relative success in our walk with God. There are habits that seem impossible to put away. We pray so hard yet we fall so easily. To fully understand this point, let’s take premarital sex as an example. It’s a common issue among young adults to struggle with sin of fornication. It’s even worse when the church find it difficult to openly discuss our shortcoming in this area even when it said to be the “blackest” sin around…if you know what I mean.
Fornication or sex sin is a thorn in the flesh; it’s the young man or young ladies greatest undoing. If you study the fall of every Christian in this area, you’ll identify a similar pattern. Many times we start out acting like it can NEVER happen to us and bla bla bla. I assure you we may be victims sooner or later (except we do the right thing) because we seek to negate the word of God in 1 Cor. 10:12 that says “He that thinketh he stand should be careful less he fall.” I have come to understand the scenario the precedes a fall to be one that must be dissected and exposed to enable us live above the fall and avoid subsequent falls.

Christians are human hence flesh and blood. There’s nothing like “it can never happen”. The human body is a very vulnerable piece of art. If you try to under rate the power of inordinate attraction between male and female then you might as well kiss your faith good bye.

The bible says be not deceived, God cannot be mocked, what a man sows that he shall reap. If you sow unto flesh you reap corruption, if you sow unto the Spirit you reap life eternal (Gal 6:8). Many times we expose ourselves to dangerous encounters while acting like we have it all under control.

We cannot keep entertaining the same people, environment or lifestyle that brings us to our knees yet claim God is in control. As a child of God, it’s expected that we would learn from past mistakes, there are certain people or events that you are vulnerable to, it’s the fact. Considering the bible’s admonition, it’s important you guard your heart with all diligence and in the case of fornication or sex sin; it’s flee away from sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:18).

If you look at the last time you fell in the arms of lust, you’ll identify certain elements: depression, insecurity and loneliness. Let me explain; for the young adult that feels left out in the fashionable game of our generation, in pursuit of fame and success, it’s so common to seek recognition and that is a sign of depression, insecurity or loneliness. I call it the big DIL. Big DIL (Depression, Insecurity and Loneliness) is a tool in the hands of the devil. Once you are tricked into believing nobody likes me, nobody cares and nobody sees me. You are about to fall. The ME factor always seem to precede self obsession of most young people which eventually leads to a fall. We can call the ME factor self centeredness. Self is a seed that when fully formed reveals a tree called pride within you. The bible says pride goeth before a fall. For a better understanding, you should read the account of Lucifer. Before his fall; Lucifer was son of morning. He was the anointed cherub yet his heart was lifted up in awe of himself at the expense of God Almighty. Don’t forget the bible records that God shares his glory with no one.

The moment you become self-obsessed with the idea that “ME” needs to be financed, then you are toast for sin. There’s a direct correlation between self, pride, depression, insecurity and loneliness. We cannot keep playing to the gallery on matters of sin and claim that God is in control. You are expected to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. That simply means diligence. Be sober and be vigilant for the enemy runs around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. Diligence and vigilance helps you seek out the schemes used by the devil to bring you down. The Aroma of sin can be perceived by application of scriptures and constant practice of diligence and vigilance. It’s the same old tricks guys, just different location and scenarios. The purpose has not changed. To steal, kill and to destroy. Understanding warfare requires walking in the Spirit. The bible says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood…. But that does not mean that flesh and blood cannot serve as weapons used by principality and powers to frustrate you on the battle field.

Friends, we need to rise up, sin is not a thing we dine and wine with. This is a call to order, you are God’s heritage, Gods workmanship. Yes you, I mean you reading this article, God is counting on you. The church of God is waiting for you to live an exemplary life so others can follow. Quit getting into bed with the enemy all in the name of liberty. You have grace to overcome the sins that easily beset you, for sin shall not have dominion over you because you are not under law but under grace (Rom 6:14).

I am confident in one thing that he who began a good work in us is able to complete it. That’s the truth but that entails taking responsibility, sin dwelleth at your door step but God says you should have dominion. Check yourself; prune your friends and associates that seem to entice you into situations that get you compromised. Be yea unequally yoked with un-believers and it’s still true that evil communication and association corrupts good manners.

I pray that God would enable us to identify grey areas of our lives and deal decisively to prevent another fall. Above all ask that God to expound the meaning of Rom 6:14 to enable you live a victorious Christian life.

Article written by Igonoh Godwin.

Posted by : Tolu Olugbemi

1 comment:

Oje said...

Here are some real facts that we may find difficult to tell...

Thanks for sharing Godwin's Insight. I beleive he's "led"
